Tuesday, March 09, 2010


Yesterday, Mark Levin mentioned that he tried to get Rep. Eric Massa, the newest gasbag heart throb, to come on his show but couldn't, adding that Massa will be giving an exclusive to another show. Levin wouldn't mention the name of the show because it's someone he doesn't like: Glenn Beck.


Ken Hoop said...

Dennis Kucinich is one of the few heroes in the mess so far. Could be more of one.

Ken Hoop said...


This man should be President. We'd been out of Iraq-Afghanistan years ago if the Dems had his courage, and Israel would have been cut off the pursestrings long ago until they got off the West Bank and Samaria. The "soft-progs" or whatever one wishes to call them,
who are attackign him, are no match for either the neocons or the neolibs.

Steve J. said...

Thanx for the link, Ken