Tuesday, March 02, 2010


I was a bit surprised a couple of weeks ago when I heard Bill "Slots" Bennett speak very well of Michele "Teh Krazy" Bachmann and I think I just found one reason for that: Both Bennett and Bachmann sometimes think the capitol of America is Tel Aviv.
Bachmann fundraiser could land nonprofit in legal trouble
By Andy Birkey 3/1/10 10:47 AM
Washington Independent

Rep. Michele Bachmann visited Tennessee over the weekend to speak at Proclaiming Justice to the Nations (PJTN), a nonprofit committed to “educating Christians about their biblical responsibility to stand with their Jewish brethren and the state of Israel.” But a fundraiser for Bachmann by the group’s executive director could land the nonprofit in trouble with the IRS.

According to The Tennessean, Laurie Cardoza-Moore sent a fundraising appeal to members of the PJTN network asking them donate $500 to Bachmann’s campaign. Non-profits are prohibited from fundraising for candidates.

“The IRS takes the position that sending a fundraising e-mail for a candidate or a candidate’s campaign is considered intervention in a political campaign,” Marc Owens, a former IRS official, told the Tennessean.


Anonymous said...

Michele Bachmann and her family members have taken over $40,000 in free trips to Israel in the three years she's been in office--all paid for by Jewish lobby groups.

Steve J. said...

That makes a lot of sense. Thanx for the tip!