Saturday, April 17, 2010


The same gasbag who wrote that FAUX News creates an "alternate reality" gets a little miffed when Pres. Obama points out that one of the main Bagger gripes is full of shit. Via David Neiwert at Crooks & Liars:
Krauthammer: I think it was Obama with his usual condescension, except that he ratcheted it up to Code Orange into snootiness, that's where he is now, when he looks down his nose at the gun and God crowd, the lumpen proletariat, as he sees it. And he ridicules them because they're not grateful enough to him.

And look -- it's quite obvious what he's talking about here. He thinks that they are stupid because they don't recognize that he hasn't raised their taxes.

They ARE stupid, Mr. Krauthammer, and your livelihood depends on that.

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