Friday, April 23, 2010


Fats Limbaugh can get op-ed space in the WSJ and rebut attacks on conservative extremism any time he wants but that doesn't change the fact that he and other gasbags have been making apocalyptic predictions for over a year. Glenn Beck provides a recent example:
BECK: We are entering a - we are entering a dark, dark period of man. Um, I was, um, I was in the Vatican, and I was surprised that the individual I was speaking to knew who I was. And they said: 'Of course we know who you are. What you're doing is wildly important. We're entering a period of great darkness, and if good people don't stand up, we could enter a period unlike we have seen in a very long time.'

It was odd to stand in the Vatican and hear those words. Of all places that would understand the Dark Ages. We are dealing with people who want to deconstruct the world. They say they are for progress, but their progress is to deconstruct. Their progress is to go backwards. Instead of inventing our way out of something. Instead of heralding achievement and merit, they destroy it. Instead of respecting life, we devalue it.

Beck has told another Vatican story in which he meets some very highly-placed person and gets a tour of a super-secret area which is off-limits to most people who work at the Vatican.

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