Wednesday, April 14, 2010


(h/t BartCop)

Back in 2005, Rush Limbaugh offered his opinion about judicial nominations:
"I'm tired of these Democrats acting like they won the election. Somebody needs to stand up and say, "When you win the election, you pick the nominees. Until then, shut up! Just shut up! Just go away! Bury yourselves in your rat holes and don't come out until you win an election. When you win an election, you can put all these socialist wackos, like Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen Breyer, all over the court, but until then, SHUT UP! You are really irritating me."

I hope some caller reminds him of this, soon!

PS- Media Matters also has the audio & transcript

1 comment:

Alicia Morgan said...

I would even risk my health and sanity and listen to the show in the hopes of that happening!