Monday, April 05, 2010


(h/t Atrios)

and the party primarily responsible for that fiasco - the GOP. If we don't make this part of the accepted American narrative about the Iraq War, the GOP will be given implicit permission to do the same thing in the future.

At least a couple of conservative House members have come clean. From Matt Corley at Think Progress:
Yesterday, the libertarian Cato Institute hosted a panel discussion on conservatism and the war in Afghanistan with Rep. Tom McClintock (R-CA), Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) and Rep. John J. Duncan, Jr. (R-TN). When the conversation shifted to the war in Iraq, Rohrabacher said that “once President Bush decided to go into Iraq, I thought it was a mistake because we hadn’t finished the job in Afghanistan,” but that once Bush “decided to go in,” he “felt compelled” to “back him up.” He then added that “the decision to go in, in retrospect, almost all of us think that was a horrible mistake.”

ROHRABACHER: I, I can’t. All I can say is the people, everybody I know thinks it was a mistake to go in now.

MCCLINTOCK: I think everyone would agree Iraq was a mistake.

MCCLINTOCK: And, you know, again, I think virtually everyone would agree going into Afghanistan the way we did was a mistake. How many share my, my cynicism over this idea of a resolution of force, which I can’t find anywhere in the Constitution. And how many believe that in those rare cases where we go in, we put all of our resources behind our soldiers, I would say certainly more than half of the Republican caucus probably believe that.


Ken Hoop said...

Doesn't go far enough. Doesn't admit the US government has conducted immoral, not just inept, murderous wars against Arabs and Moslems, for the past
seven years. As Ray McGovern said
for Oil for Israel and for Empire and all empire/imperialism represents. The very imperialist impulse we rebelled against in the form of the British, whose Empire incidentially offered more Culture to the world along with its excesses than the least common denominator New York/Hollywood
subculture could ever hope to.

Steve J. said...

Doesn't go far enough.

True but for Pubs, it's pretty amazing.