Monday, April 19, 2010


KNST lets us know that Mark Steyn is coming to Tucson to give a speech sponsored by the Goldwater Institute. I don't think Barry would like this creep.


PhoebeH said...

I like him. A LOT.

Marshall Gill said...

You should like him. Mentioning his name probably increased your traffic by a factor of 100. Maybe 1000?

Wakefield Tolbert said...

You'll eventually learn to like all of us wingnuts.

We'll grow on you gently, without force or fuss.

After all, imagine the absurdity of using force. I mean, really now; imagine someone holding a gun to your head or using the bag men at the IRS to give out fines and stuff for those who don't sign up for a particular worldview or purchase certain products and then...

....oh bad.

That was that crappy Eurosocialist glop from ObamaCare stuff..

Never mind.

In any case, enjoy the ride.

Now you're on the radar, brother.

thesweeney said...

I think you are correct. Steyn is no Bill Ayers. Barry wouldn't like him.

Anonymous said...

And you know who Barry would like or dislike, how.......?

Anonymous said...

Who is Bill Ayers ? The weirdo philosopher ?

Steyn is the boss - although his version of of Born to Run is not as good Springsteen's I'll give you that.