Thursday, April 29, 2010


UPDATE: Prof. Jonathan Weiler gives a psychological interpretation of closure.

As a direct result of his terribly dishonest reply to Jim Manzi, Mark Levin is getting more and more criticism. Conor Friedersdorf at The Daily Beast found another lie in Levin's online reply to Manzi and has gone public with it. Here's a small part:
Who is the man that Mr. Levin calls a "global warming zealot"? He is Jim Manzi, a name that is probably unfamiliar to you, and unknown to most of Mr. Levin's listeners. As it happens, however, I follow Mr. Manzi's career quite closely, so I can confirm that he is on the board of trustees at National Review, a senior fellow at the right-leaning Manhattan Institute, and one of the most prolific opponents of the Obama Administration's climate change agenda.

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