Friday, April 16, 2010


A new Rasmussen poll found that only Ron Paul comes close to beating Pres. Obama while all the other GOP big names lose to Obama. Rasmussen polls have a decided "house effect" that favors Republicans, so Nate Silver made the necessary statistical adjustment and found that Paul is in fact much farther behind.

Last night, Brian & The Judge did mention how the big names did in the Rasmussen poll but didn't mention how well Ron Paul did and tonight John Gibson berated a caller who supports Paul. I remember a few years ago that Hannity almost lost it on air when a Paul supporter somehow got past the call screener, so I think it's reasonable to conclude that the radio gasbags don't like Paul.


Ken Hoop said...

Well I guess you heard about the Hannity/Fox fiasco in Cincinnati yesterday. I berated the local tea party leadership for even inviting him. Cunningham operates out of Cincy and had him on his local show,pre-rally,treating him obsequiously of course. Cunningham is such a clown locally, I wonder if he's kind of a barometer for how unsalvageble the U.S. is, from a Tradright perspective, if folks need clownery mingled with serious commentary to the point of being indistinguishable.

Steve J. said...

. Cunningham is such a clown locally,
In Tucson (KNST) he took over Drudge's Sunday night time slot and is quite a freakshow.