Monday, April 19, 2010


(h/t DU)
Rendell: Media blow Tea Parties out of proportion

By David Edwards and Gavin Dahl
Sunday, April 18th, 2010 -- 2:03 pm
The Raw Story

"[W]hat's the Tea Party itself? If you say it's the anger that people feel about the economy, et cetera, that's giving the Tea Party too much credit," Rendell told NBC's David Gregory Sunday.

"We had two recent Tea Party demonstrations in Washington. One a week before the health care vote, drew about 1,000 people. The tax day rally by the organizers' own estimate was 1,500 people," explained the governor.

"If I organized a rally for stronger laws to protect puppies, I would get 100,000 people to Washington. So, I think the media has blown the Tea Party themselves out of proportion," said Rendell.

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