Thursday, April 29, 2010


Right now, wingers are using the rule of law argument to support Arizona's misguided new immigration law but they weren't at all keen on upholding the 4th Amendment during the Bush administration. Oddly, Pres. Obama only seems to care about the rule of law when it comes to small fries, not the criminal senior members of the Bush regime.

Glenn Greenwald noted this discrepancy when he discussed the case of NSA whistleblower Thomas Drake and now we have another example from The Raw Story:
And now, his administration is subpoenaing the very reporter who broke the warrantless wiretapping story in 2005 for the New York Times.

Obama Attorney General Eric Holder approved a subpoena seeking to compel Times reporter James Risen to testify about his sources, which was delivered to Risen on Monday and reported in Thursday's Times. The paper called the move a "rare step" and said that Holder personally approved the subpoena.

Risen was previously subpoenaed by the Bush Justice Department for the same matter, which involves a book he published on the CIA. That subpoena expired last year.

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