Monday, April 19, 2010


They just can't be eliminated. Here's a sample from the comments from this post at The American Spectator.
- Hilbully bill klinton is another terrorist by a different name, a socialist demonrat who is trying to get the attention of anyone who would think his words matter, Waco, Ruby ridge, mr.reno, holder anyone? (Ruby Ridge happened under Bush senior)

- Obama is thick as thieves with Ayers, ...

- Our law is of course based upon the Ten Commandments, and distilled and fulfilled by Jesus Christ.

- . Bubba [Bill Clinton] sold our secrets to the Chinese, allowing huge technology transfers in exchange for campaign cash,...

- Conflating a mass murdering dictator who did indeed possess weapons of mass destruction (including 500 tons of yellow-cake uranium – still in Iraq when the Allies invaded in 2003 – you can look it up)

- This is the guy who took illegal campaign contributions from the Communist Chinese military and then gave them the modern technology that the they are now using to build the largest and one of the most advanced militaries in the world.

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