Thursday, May 06, 2010


UPDATE: Digby has a link to a site where you can sign a petition against this insanity.

Don't worry, you can still legally purchase Glocks and AK-47s. I had thought the NRA had lost a LOT of influence but on this issue, they have a lot of influence with many senators. BTW, I don't recall that the NRA made a fuss about the 4th Amendment during the Bush years.
Terrorists who want to buy guns have friends on Capitol Hill
By Dana Milbank
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Washington Post

The Bush administration urged Congress to pass a law barring people on the terrorist watch list from buying explosives and guns. The gun lobby objected. Now the Obama administration is urging Congress to pass the same legislation, and the gun lobby continues to object.

Still, Lieberman's hearing was fascinating because it forced the pro-gun crowd to take their philosophy to its logical extreme: Are they so absolute about the Second Amendment that they'd risk national security by fighting for the right of would-be terrorists to own guns? Alarmingly, they are.

Lindsey Graham was one of NRA defenders:
"But we're talking about a constitutional right here," Graham went on. He then changed the subject, pretending the discussion was about a general ban on handguns. "The NRA -- " he began, then rephrased. "Some people believe banning handguns is the right answer to the gun violence problem. I'm not in that camp."

Even Susan Collins played NRA sock puppet:
“Let me emphasize that none of us wants a terrorist to be able to purchase a gun,” said Senator Susan Collins of Maine, who nevertheless went on to argue against allowing the government to use the terrorist watch list to keep anyone from being able to purchase, um, a gun.

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