Monday, May 03, 2010


M. J. Rosenberg of TPM accuses Bill Maher of being a bigot because Maher made a strong defense of some of the vales of Western Civilization. MJ couldn't be more wrong about this. Of course many of our values are superior to those of extremist Muslims because we've been through our intolerant period and have seen its failings.


Ken Hoop said...

Rosenberg is more nearly right. Maher's pro-Zionist leanings have shown thru time and again.

But Wiki here:
"He was originally against the Iraq War but briefly offered less skeptical commentary in light of the Iraqi election of 2005. Maher now views the Iraq War as a failure and implied on the February 24, 2006, episode of Real Time that Iraq was better off under Saddam Hussein and that the U.S. cannot control the sectarian violence like Saddam did. He has said the invasion of Iraq has increased the threat of terrorism. He has also stated his concerns about the possibility of a future civil war in Iraq or about the possibility that Iraq is already involved in the early stages of a civil war.

In a blog post, Maher has indicated his approval of President Bush's support of Israel.[27]"

You might consider this an admirable balance. Funny, one thing is missing-Maher's failure to note the Jewish Lobby and the Israeli government pushed the Iraq War more than any other force, replete with the invention of false intelligence.

At any rate, apart from whether there are universal cultural values to be employed on all, an American of any ideological provenance should wait until US troops and bases vacate Islamic territory before commenting on Islamic lifestyle.

Good manners, you know.

Steve J. said...

At any rate, apart from whether there are universal cultural values to be employed on all, an American of any ideological provenance should wait until US troops and bases vacate Islamic territory before commenting on Islamic lifestyle.

Good manners, you know.

That's a fair point but I don't think we need to be any quieter than the Islamics are.