Thursday, May 06, 2010


In 1961, Hayek published a short article harshly critical of conservatives in America. He concluded that an American conservative is "essentially opportunist and lacks principles" and I've pointed out that Mark Levin is a good example of this.

John Amato posts another great example, wingnut law professor and radio host Hugh Hewitt:
MI: And he waived, and he waived his Miranda rights. Look, there probably will be a discussion of this. But all I’m saying is we are still a country of laws. You can’t just make it up as you go along.

HH: But that’s cliché.

MI: And you know, maybe…

HH: That’s just cliché. We’re a country of laws. I know that. I teach it.

Yes, the Rule of Law is a cliche when it prevents conservatives from getting their way.

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