Tuesday, May 04, 2010


The wingers are trying to make a stink about the Times Square bomber getting Miranda rights and it's not just the radio gasbags:
“I hope that [Attorney General Eric] Holder did discuss this with the intelligence community. If they believe they got enough from him, how much more should they get? Did they Mirandize him? I know he’s an American citizen but still.” — Rep. Peter King (R-NY)

Today, Michael Savage and back-bencher John Gibson both attacked Glenn Beck for his support of abiding by Miranda.


Ron Schalow said...

Rep. Peter King is all tough on terrorism now that Obama is President. But here is what he said after Bush froze in the classroom on 9/11:

“…for all he knew there could have been 15 to 20 other attacks going on. He could have been targeted there in Florida.”

Yeah, no need to move your butt in that case.

Ron Schalow – author of “Bullshit Artist: The 9/11 Leadership Myth”

Steve J. said...

King is nothing more than a talk radio Republican