Tuesday, May 11, 2010


IT'S TIME TO LEAVE. The best and brightest of the Afghan security forces are just as corrupt as the all the others and that means we can't rely on them to create a stable environment.
Corruption, incompetence charges plague new Afghan police force
By Dion Nissenbaum | McClatchy Newspapers
Posted on Monday, May 10, 2010

KABUL — Although the members of Afghanistan's elite new police force have been touted as the country's best and brightest, U.S. military strategists find that they're plagued by the same problems as Afghanistan's conventional police, who are widely considered corrupt, ineffective and inept.

More than a quarter of the officers in one ANCOP battalion in Helmand were dismissed for drug use, and the rest were sent off for urgent retraining. One Western official who attended the briefing termed ANCOP's role in Marjah a disaster.


Ken Hoop said...

The tea party rank and file should listen to authentic militarist conservatives not owned by the Lobby or war profiteers, like Andrew Bacevich for example, and hit the streets for getting out NOW!

Ken Hoop said...


I sent this to the local "small government, fewer govt. expenditures" Tea Party rep.