Wednesday, May 05, 2010


(h/t ql at Atrios)

The wingers claim that the Democrats try to buy off voting blocs by giving each one lots of Federal goodies. Dana Milbank lets us know that its the Republicans who seem to be doing the buying. (h/t Diane)
An analysis of data from the nonpartisan Tax Foundation by Washington Post database specialist Dan Keating found that people in states that voted Republican were by far the biggest beneficiaries of federal spending. In states that voted strongly Republican, people received an average of $1.50 back from the federal government for every dollar they paid in federal taxes. In moderately Republican states, the amount was $1.19. In moderately Democratic states, people received on average of 99 cents in federal funds for each dollar they paid in taxes. In strongly Democratic states, people got back just 86 cents on the tax dollar.

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