Sunday, June 13, 2010


By chnace, I listened to "Rap Up Saturday Nite" on local wingnut station KVOI and one of the hosts claimed that La Raza, Hamas and Hezbollah were working together to bring down the United States. After a little Googling, I found this article in the Tucson Citizen:
Can Mossab Hassan Yousef connect the dots?
by Jim Kelley on Jun.12, 2010, under Politics

Hezballah, Hamas, and La Raza are three organizations that have many things in common. They all have foundational philosophies of anti –Semitism. They all have philosophies that incorporate Islam, fascism and neo-Marxist ideologies. They all share some of the same people in their movements going back to the heyday of the Palestinian Liberation Organization. They all advocate violence against the United States and they all advocate the separation of territory from their lawfully established governments. They all believe in using race, religion and victimology as a basis for propaganda. These three groups have had loose cooperation with one another for over 30 years.

Kelley's MAIN evidence for this 3-way connection is a photo from 1980 showing some La Raza leaders with PLO leader Yasser Arafat.


keith powell said...

Hey Radamisto!

I'm the host of RapUp Saturday Nite! Thanks for listening!

I would love to have your perspective on my guest's (not host's) opinion on Mr Youseff and the proported ties to Hamas, etc.

You are free to call in or write me at:

Keith Powell

Ken Hoop said...

Local Limbaugh wannabe Brian Thomas
had NR's Islamophobe/Zionist Lobby shill Andy McCarthy on this A.M.

Although Thomas poses as a libertarian, he allowed McCarthy to complain that American Muslims subversively politic against the Patriot Act without noting that all libertarians equate the Patriot Act with an un American Police State Big Government.

It is not an overstatement to say all Clear Channel corporate whore talk jocks prioritize Israel's interests over any pretended "small government" libertarianism. Brian, you're a joker.