Thursday, July 15, 2010


This is from page 334 of the hardcover edition:
In contrast, the solutions promised before 1933 played no role in either economic or social policy : nationalization of trusts, profit-sharing in big business, improvement of the old-age pension system, creation of a viable middle class, and the communalization of large retail enterprises and leasing them to small businessmen, expropriation of large landholdings and their distribution for common use, abolition of land mortgages and loan speculation. None of these partly radical, partly romantic-reactionary reform plans was ever seriously tackled, unless one considers the persecution of Jews, the "Aryanization" of their assets, and the resettlement of German farmers and businesses in occupied territories as fulfillment of these promises. In the course of mobilization for war other roads were taken to realize the social and political ideas of National Socialism. Power politics was the sole determinant in the course being followed : economic recovery as a prerequisite for the consolidation of power ; this in turn called for huge sums and material as well as economic expansion, which could be gained most expeditiously through war—which, of course, in the end devoured everything.

1 comment:

Ken Hoop said...

Gottfried Feder, check at wiki, was a real socialist/nationalist who was marginalized gradually by Hitler.