Wednesday, July 14, 2010


I do agree that we aren't going to have an adequate outcome in Afghanistan if we continue with the current COIN strategy but it is surprising the Newt "The Brain" Gingrich admits it.

The Des Moines Register has reported this but POLITICO so far is the only non-local news outlet to report this:
Newt Gingrich: Afghanistan won’t 'end well'
By ANDY BARR | 7/14/10 2:44 PM EDT

Gingrich asserted that the counterinsurgency doctrine created by Gen. David Petraeus “doesn't go deep enough for some place like Afghanistan.”

“You're dealing with Afghan culture that is fundamentally different than us, in ways we don't understand,” Gingrich said. The war “is not going to end well.”

1 comment:

Ken Hoop said...

You assume Gingrich isn't going to explore the possibilities for going more Afghan hawkish, Gen. McKiernanish or at least would prefer to?