Friday, July 02, 2010


On days like this, it's EASY to be a liberal!
GOP chairman: Afghan 'war of Obama's choosing'
Jul 2 02:24 PM US/Eastern
Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) - Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele says Afghanistan is "a war of Obama's choosing" and the conflict "is not something the United States has actively prosecuted or wanted to engage in," comments that drew an immediate rebuke from Republicans and Democrats.

"If he's such a student of history, has he not understood that, you know, that's the one thing you don't do is engage in a land war in Afghanistan? All right? Because everyone who's tried, over a thousand years of history, has failed," Steele said. "And there are reasons for that. There are other ways to engage in Afghanistan."

Conservative Bill Kristol, writing for The Weekly Standard, said Steele should resign.

"There are, of course, those who think we should pull out of Afghanistan, and they're certainly entitled to make their case," wrote Kristol, a consistent supporter of the Afghanistan war. "But one of them shouldn't be the chairman of the Republican Party."


Ken Hoop said...

Steele, hopefully not out of ineptitude, defied the Jewish racist neocon will embodied in Kristol. Obama by appointing Beetrayus and previously increasing troop strength in Afghan, is hewing to it. Which is why his ratings have plummeted in the Islamic street which understandably wants Zionist controlled American occupiers out of its environs.

As nothing in our way of life would be imperilled by making an egress and cutting off aid to Israel (and Egypt), I can't say that those occupied rouse my indignation by their objections.

Ken Hoop said...

Easy to be a liberal but hard to be a liberal Democrat.

Anonymous said...


"When the DNC, a front page Daily Kos writer and Bill Kristol all join together to smear someone with common language for opposing a war, it's clear that something toxic is taking place. By all means, the ludicrous hypocrisy and illogic of Steele's attempt to place all blame on the Democrats for this war should be screamed from the mountaintops -- Obama inherited and (with the overwhelming support of the GOP) escalated the war, but he did not start it -- but equating war opposition with disrespect to the Troops or cowardice is destructive and stupid no matter who is doing it. How revealing that the one time Michael Steele speaks the truth, he's being swarmed on and attacked by both political parties."

I would deduce that the "toxicity" is combustion ignited by an unfortunate century-old ingrained
American imperialism largely co-opted, manuevered and exacerbated since 1948 by a two-party controlling super-elite within an elite, the super-elite possessed of an especial ingrained anti-Islamic, anti-Arab impulse.