Monday, July 12, 2010


UPDATE: Serwer's post also demonstrates that J. Christian Adams is a liar.

But I'm naive. Adam Serwer found that the BUSH DOJ decided not to file a criminal complaint against the two New Black Panthers in Philidelphia, NOT Pres. Obama's DOJ.

For the rubes, this doesn't matter at all, as you can tell from this comment at POLITICO:
You forgot to post the video that goes along with those charges, which was the basis for the charge that armed uniformed Black Panthers were stationed at a polling place.

The fact that one wouldn't "typically intimidate your own voters" doesn't negate the fact that there was an armed, non-governmental presence at that polling place. The fact that it may have been politically irrational doesn't mean the charge itself was nonsense.

People should evaluate the video -- and the charge -- with their own eyes, ears and mind.

The fact that it was a "heavily Democratic polling place" is immaterial to whether it violated law. And, the fact that the Bush DOJ may have downgraded the charge means nothing. What Bush did with the charges does not excuse or provide cover for how the Obama DOJ handles it.

Obama is in the driver's seat now. The buck stops with him, and his DOJ.
Posted By: You forgot to post the video that goes along with those charges, which was the basis for the charge | July 12, 2010 at 02:22 PM

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