Thursday, July 15, 2010


McClatchy has a nice article about the GOP's approach to economics and the title is extremely accurate: "GOP: No more help for jobless, but rich must keep tax cuts".

Even better, there's this freebie:
"Tax policy is dynamic. If you have the right kind of tax reform, it helps generate a more dynamic economy," said Sen. Mike Crapo, R-Idaho, a member of the Senate Finance Committee, which writes tax law. While that may be true, even the Bush Treasury Department concluded that its tax cuts increase budget deficits.


Ken Hoop said...

Bill Cunningham today launched into a taunt Obama "where are the jobs? there are no jobs" chant just before telling the unemployment check recipients they must quit agitating for further checks and get out and find a job.

Steve J. said...

Billy is a real whack job. BTW, when does Billy's show come on?

Ken Hoop said...

His radio show, podcastable as well runs noon-3.