Thursday, July 08, 2010


But Ann Coulter attacked Bill "The Bloody" Kristol because Kristol called for Michael Steele to resign for basically telling the truth about Afghanistan. She isn't the only wingnut to take this position.

1 comment:

Ken Hoop said...

Coulter's defense of Bush on nation-building in Iraq is disingenuous because he campaigned against nation-building.

Also, Iraq's "state sponsorship of terrorism" amounted to giving dispossessed Palestinian families, punished with home demolishment if one member commited "terror" against the Zionist dispossesor, 25,000 $ to rebuild their homes.

Of course there's no record of Coulter opposing America's soft alliance with evil Saddam in the
days when he was one of "ours."

But of course some of the hypocritical dissing she throws at
Dems, and for aims only ever so slightly less pro-Israel and interventionist than the neocons, could have been avoided if the Dem elite were represented by the Kuciniches, McDermotts and de Fazios rather than the Harmans.