Saturday, July 17, 2010


We've read that there are over 5 unemployed for every job opening but that minimizes the odds many face. Conservatives keep on saying "there are jobs out there" and casting aspersions on the unemployed but they never tell you how hard it is to get a job.
Cabela's: Nearly 1,000 apply for 40 jobs at Glendale store
by Cecilia Chan - Jul. 16, 2010 02:02 PM
The Arizona Republic

The hunting, fishing and camping goods store in Glendale wants to fill 40 full- and part-time jobs in preparation for hunting season that kicks off next month. Jobs included cashiers, sales people, deli clerks and warehouse workers.

Tobi Slaughter was in the first wave of applicants allowed into the store at 7 a.m.

An operating engineer, Slaughter, 51, of Phoenix was laid off two years ago. Now he hopes to be a camping associate, although he would be happy to land any job.

"If I can get it, I will take it," said Slaughter, who estimated he's chased after 200 jobs. "This is not my first long line this year."

He showed up at 6 a.m., after filling out his application on line the night before.

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