Monday, August 09, 2010


(h/t DougJ at Balloon Juice)

Then why do they want to make so many changes to it?
Constitutional Conservatism
Jonathan Chait
August 3, 2010 | 11:44 am
The New Republic

Okay, let's tally up the list of Constitutional amendments that are generally endorsed by mainstream Republicans:

1. The Flag Desecration Amendment

2. Balanced budget amendment

3. Supermajority to raise taxes

4. “Parental rights” amendment – the right of parents to “raise their children as they see fit, introduced last year by Jim DeMint and Peter Hoekstra.

5. Human life amendment, banning abortion

6. The Federal Marriage Amendment, banning gay marriage

7. Believing that the DC Voting Rights Act was unconstitutional, Lisa Murkowski proposed an amendment giving the District a single voting representative.

8. Last year, Jim DeMint introduced a term limits amendment (3 terms in the House, 2 in the Senate).

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