Thursday, August 19, 2010


who think Pres. Obama is a Muslim: they are really just saying that they don't like him or don't like what they think his policies are:
The "M-word': Is "Muslim" political code for 'I don't like you!'
Aug 19, 2010
USA Today

Jeffrey Weiss, blogging at Politics Daily, called up Jason Reifler, a political science professor at Georgia State University who co-authored a paper on "The Effects of Semantics and Social Desirability in Correcting the Obama Muslim Myth."

Reifler offered a possible explanation for the growing number of people who say Obama is Muslim: It's code for "I don't like Obama." Some of them, he said, may neither know or care much about Obama's religion. But they know they don't much like Islam. And they don't much like Obama. So when a pollster gives them the chance to toss a public opinion stink bomb, they take the shot.

"How much is that they really believe those things and how much is an opportunity to say something bad about him? We can't get inside their heads," Reifler said.

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