Sunday, August 22, 2010


(h/t Scott Horton at

Chris Floyd found this little gem in an LA Times story:
Army Gen. David H. Petraeus, the newly appointed head of the international forces in the country, has hired two experts known for their strong emphasis on fighting corruption, Frederick Kagan and Brig. Gen. H.R. McMaster.

Kagan is a neo-con war monger and should not have ANY influence in government.

1 comment:

Ken Hoop said...

Another CC local talk jock who's always talking about 'small government' and having guests on to
sermonize alarmingly against Big Government waste is Brian Thomas

He bills himself as an arch-libertarian, but either he's dishonest or he hasn't yet worked up the courage to have ONE SINGLE guest on to expose the parasitical nature of the Pentagon/Military
Police State and its wars.

His latest gambit is to support the candidacies of big government pro-war outsourcing job exporting retreads who helped ruin the economy, John Kasich and Pob Portman.