Monday, August 02, 2010


(I couldn't resist)

And some tea party allies in Washington also are skeptical. Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) warned that the caucus may be seen as trying to “co-opt” the movement and questioned the motivations of its members, while some of his colleagues have kept their distance for fear of being branded as extremists.

“I’m 100 percent pro-tea party, but this is not the right thing to do,” said Chaffetz, who declined to join the caucus.

Structure and formality are the exact opposite of what the tea party is, and if there is an attempt to put structure and formality around it, or to co-opt it by Washington, D.C., it’s going to take away from the free-flowing nature of the true tea party movement,” Chaffetz told POLITICO. “If any one person tries to become the head of it, it will lose its way.”

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