Friday, September 24, 2010


We've heard and read for years about 
1) how the mainstream media is chock-full of liberal bias
2) The U.S. is a center-right nation
3) Conservative outnumber liberals 2 to 1

One test of this is the ratings for the Sunday morning news shows and they indicate that FAUX News really isn't fooling that many people. Here are the ratings for Sept. 19, 2010:
Network Program Total Viewers A25-54
NBC “Meet the Press” 3.29M 988K
CBS “Face the Nation” 2.49M 854K
ABC “This Week” 2.20M 608K
FOX “Fox News Sunday” 1.11M 412K
This ranking has been pretty stable; here are the numbers for January 31, 2010:
Network Program Total Viewers A25-54
NBC “Meet the Press” 3.89M 1.18M
ABC “This Week” 3.07M 930K
CBS “Face the Nation” 2.89M 780K
FOX “Fox News Sunday” 1.14M 440K

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