Saturday, September 25, 2010


This is what the Beckster had to say back on July 16, 2010:
I talked to, I talked to Richard Land a couple of days ago and he said — Richard Land said do you know, Glenn, who you are taking on now? I said, yes, I do. Richard, would it be Satan? I mean, it is a perversion of the gospel. It is a perversion of the gospel. And I understand that we are dealing with — we're not dealing with — we're not dealing with powers of the Earth. We're just not.
Kenyn Cureton is worried that you might be. Cureton is vice president for church ministries for the Family Research Council. During the FRC's recent "Values Voter Summit," he warned attendees at a breakout session on churches and politics to be ready for some intense action.

"The battle that we're fighting," he said, "is not just a political and cultural battle, it's a spiritual battle."

"When you think about it, you know, the real enemy is not the poor, deluded souls who are advancing these evil agendas," Cureton said. "Really, they're just simply pawns in the hands of their malevolent master. They're simply doing the bidding of the devil, OK?"

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