Saturday, September 25, 2010


For the most part, we liberals don't turn into freakshows like Mark Levin and that's basically the reason that FAUX News and gasbag radio is so popular.  FAIR found Jon Klein, the man who brought Glenn Beck to CNN, telling us in 2005 why a left/liberal network won't be successful:
The new CNN President Jonathan Klein offered another theory during an appearance on PBS's Charlie Rose Show on March 25: Progressives aren't angry enough. When Rose asked if there could ever be a successful progressive version of Fox News Channel, Klein thought not. He explained that while Fox was tapping into a brand of "mostly angry white men" conservatism,

a quote/unquote, "progressive" or liberal network probably couldn't reach the same sort of an audience, because liberals tend to like to sample a lot of opinions. They pride themselves on that. And you know, they don't get too worked up about anything. And they're pretty morally relativistic. And so, you know, they allow for a lot of that stuff.

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