Tuesday, September 28, 2010


For Christine O'Donnell, the meaning depends on the lie you are trying to sell.
Another Christine O'Donnell embellishment: She misleadingly claims she studied at OxfordGreg Sargent
September 28, 2010; 12:09 PM ET
The Plum Line

In another move that will raise further questions about Christine O'Donnell's embellishment of her education record, she claims she studied at the University of Oxford -- but a look at her actual record shows this is at best an exaggeration and at worst an outright falsehood.

O'Donnell's LinkedIn bio page lists "University of Oxford" as one of the schools she attended, claiming she studied "Post Modernism in the New Millennium." But it turns out that was just a course conducted by an institution known as the Phoenix Institute, which merely rented space at Oxford.

Chris Fletcher, who oversaw the Institute's 2001 Oxford Summer Programme, which included the course O'Donnell took, tells me the course was not overseen by Oxford.

"We never represented it as a course run by Oxford University," Fletcher, who is now an assistant professor of religious studies at Benedictine University in Illinois, told me.

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