Monday, October 04, 2010


Too many times, Big Pharma puts profits above patients and here's another example:
Novartis fined $422.5M in kickback case
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS • September 30, 2010

Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp. will pay $422.5 million in penalties for marketing an epilepsy medicine for unapproved uses and for paying kickbacks to doctors to prescribe it and five other drugs, federal officials in Philadelphia announced Thursday.

The drug maker illegally marketed Trileptal as a treatment for bipolar disorder and nerve pain, sending its sales force to the offices of neurologists, psychiatrists and pain specialists, Memeger said.

Novartis sought FDA approval in 1995 to sell Trileptal as a treatment for mania … a component of bipolar disorder … but that it was not effective in clinical trials.

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