Sunday, October 03, 2010


William J. Bouwsma has written a terrific book on the thought of John Calvin and in it I found one nice statement by Calvin that applies to the Fundie rubes of America in his commentary on Galatians 1:8:
Of what avail was it to profess respect for the gospel, and not to know what it meant? With Papists, who hold themselves bound to render implicit faith, that might be perfectly sufficient; but with Christians, where there is no knowledge, there is no faith.
The same criticism also applies to the rubes knowledge of the Constitution.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

John Calvin was never accepted by the Catholic Church in any sense, except as another sinner needing redemption.

His leading people into heresy and away from the Body of Christ has been one of the major heartaches for all good Catholic saints who have worked so hard through the centuries to repair the damage he has done to innumerable souls in cutting them off from Divine Grace through severance from the Church.

One saint in particular, St. Francis de Sales spent his life as a missionary, and subsequently as bishop of Geneva trying to reconvert (with great success) those who had been led astray.

The Jesuits were founded, as a religious order, specifically to help combat the heresy of Protestantism.

I was saved, I am saved and I am being saved. Yes, but only GOD knows who they are.