Monday, October 18, 2010


(h/t Heather at Crooks & Liars)

On ABC's This Week, Dowd had the nerve to make this huge lie:
It started with, Barack Obama who sits in the White House was the beneficiary of a very extreme movement that started after the Iraq war, which was very few people were protesting the war.
Here's the truth:
Massive Anti-War Outpouring
Crowds Huge And Small Demonstrate Against Possible War With Iraq
By Sue Chan
Feb. 15, 2003

(CBS) Millions of protesters - from London to New York to Canberra - demonstrated Saturday against a possible U.S. attack on Iraq.

New York police wouldn't provide a crowd estimate, but the protesters stretched for 20 blocks along First Avenue and spilled west to Second Avenue, where police in riot gear and on horseback patrolled.

CBS News correspondent Jim Acosta says organizers claim the rally drew five hundred thousand people. There were certainly several hundred thousand, Acosta reports, carrying signs that read "no blood for oil" and "get the warheads out of D.C."

Anti-war rallies were also held in about 150 U.S. cities, from Yakima, Wash., to St. Petersburg, Fla., as well as in major cities including Chicago, Philadelphia, Miami and Seattle. Protesters in Detroit chanted "Give peace a chance."

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