Monday, October 04, 2010


This POLITICO article notes that extremist politicians are often "rewarded with cable television appearances" and that certainly applies to Krazy Bachmann.   Here's a partial list of her appearances on the agit-prop network:

1. Interview With Michele Bachmann
Fox News Network, September 17, 2010 Friday, NEWS; Domestic, 1317 words, Sean Hannity
2. Interview With Michele Bachmann
Fox News Network, July 21, 2010 Wednesday, NEWS; Domestic, 1028 words, Greta Van Susteren
3. Interview with Rep. Bachmann
Fox News Network, July 16, 2010 Friday, NEWS; Domestic, 1967 words, Sean Hannity
4. Interview With Michele Bachmann
Fox News Network, June 24, 2010 Thursday, NEWS; Domestic, 1605 words, Sean Hannity
5. Interview With Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann
Fox News Network, June 4, 2010 Friday, NEWS; Domestic, 910 words, Connell McShane
6. Interview With Michele Bachmann
Fox News Network, May 19, 2010 Wednesday, NEWS; Domestic, 1665 words, Sean Hannity
7. Interview With Michele Bachmann
Fox News Network, April 19, 2010 Monday, NEWS; Domestic, 2237 words, Sean Hannity
8. Interview with Michele Bachmann
Fox News Network, April 11, 2010 Sunday, NEWS; Domestic, 1874 words, Chris Wallace
9. Interview With Michele Bachmann, Tom Price
Fox News Network, March 25, 2010 Thursday, NEWS; Domestic, 1705 words, Sean Hannity
10. Interview with Michele Bachmann
Fox News Network, March 18, 2010 Thursday, NEWS; Domestic, 1793 words, Sean Hannity
11. Interview With Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann
Fox News Network, March 4, 2010 Thursday, NEWS; Domestic, 650 words, Neil Cavuto
12. Interview With Michele Bachmann
Fox News Network, February 15, 2010 Monday, NEWS; Domestic, 2106 words, Sean Hannity
13. Interview with Michele Bachmann
Fox News Network, January 25, 2010 Monday, NEWS; Domestic, 1033 words, Bill O'Reilly
14. Interview With Michele Bachmann
Fox News Network, January 21, 2010 Thursday, NEWS; Domestic, 1987 words, Sean Hannity
15. Interview with Rep. Michele Bachman; Interview with Michael Steele
Fox News Network, December 14, 2009 Monday, NEWS; Domestic, 4003 words, Sean Hannity
16. Interview With Michelle Bachmann
Fox News Network, August 18, 2009 Tuesday, NEWS; Domestic, 2057 words, Sean Hannity, Griff Jenkins
17. Interview With Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann
Fox News Network, November 19, 2008 Wednesday, NEWS; Domestic, 575 words, Neil Cavuto
18. Interview With Michele Bachmann
Fox News Network, November 18, 2008 Tuesday, NEWS; Domestic, 1773 words, Sean Hannity, Alan Colmes
19. Congresswoman Bachmann Clarifies Remarks
Fox News Network, October 22, 2008 Wednesday, NEWS; Domestic, 1223 words, Bill O'Reilly
20. Interview With Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann
Fox News Network, October 17, 2008 Friday, NEWS; Domestic, 790 words, Neil Cavuto

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