Sunday, November 14, 2010


(h/t Avedon)

Capitalist Tools like Sean Hannity and Fats Limbaugh have told us that if we tax the rich at the "exorbitant" rates of the Clinton years, they won't create jobs here.   A look at the net number of private sector jobs created during the criminal Bush regime refudiates this meme and so does a look at capital investment over those years.

let freedom ring at TPM found more evidence that Fats and the Baby Jesus are full of it:

What the wealthy did with their tax cuts

According to the the U.S. census  US capital investment in foreign countries has gone from $1.3 trillion in 2000 to $3.2 trillion in 2008 while at the same time the Bush tax cuts which overwhelmingly went to the wealthy cost 1.3 trillion  per politifact.  So the wealthy essentially took their tax cuts, intended per the Republicans to spur U.S. jobs, and invested them and more in foreign countries, not the U.S..

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