Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Tammy "The Shrill" Bruce subbed for Laura Ingraham yesterday and denounced Charles Krauthammer for saying this:
I am skeptical about taking away the funds because what it will do, it will poke holes in the system. It will make it more chaotic . . . and in the end, if healthcare collapses or if it becomes utterly unworkable, the Democrats will have a way of saying ‘well, it was all these injuries inflicted by the Republicans that made it not work.’ I think the smarter approach is to simply expose to the American people what’s in the bill. All the arbitrariness, all the incredibly increased expenses, all the contradictions in it, also the inherent corruption in it.
For Bruce, these words mean Krauthammer is a despicable RINO at best, a closet socialist at worst.

1 comment:

Ken Hoop said...

well here's something admirably anti-elite on obamacare.