Monday, December 06, 2010


The Fundies and the Baggers believe they have grasped the Eternal Truths and I find that terribly self-centered because of all the different beliefs that came before.  In order to get a sense of how long humans have had some sort of religious belief, I need to refer to this table from The neolithic revolution in the Near East : transforming the human landscape by Alan H. Simmons, page 37:

Table 3.3 Estimated paleoenvironmental reconstruction
Approximate Dates                                                                             Approximate
(BP, uncalibrated)/Event         Conditions                                           Cultural Correlate
20,000-14,500 (LGM)                Cold and dry; hilly coastal areas              Kebaran
have winter precipitation and
14,500-13,500                          Precipitation slowly increases              Geometric Kebaran;
13,500-13,000                          More rapid precipitation                           Early Natufian
13,000-12,800?                    Short cold dry pulse
11,500                                        Peak of precipitation
11,000-10,000                          Cold and dry; retractions of                     Late Natufian;
(Younger Dryas)                     favorable Mediterranean                         Harifian
10,300                                     Return of pluvial conditions;                    PPNA
very wet in northern Levant and
Anatolia, but precipitation in
central and southern Levant
does not reach previous peak
10,000-9000                               Increase in precipitation,
especially in northern and eastern Near East
9000-8000                               Rainfall higher than present day,            PPNB
but decreasing precipitation
toward 8,000
7400-7200                               Sudden cooling and decrease in             End of PPN
rainfall intensity; similar to
Younger Dryas?
7200-6000                               Generally more favorable than                PN
6000-onward                           Warmer and drier than                      End of PN —
previously but similar to today               post-Neolithic
Sources: Based primarily on Bar-Yosef (1995:518, 1998a: I61); Bar-Mathews et al. (1999); and Weiss (2000:75).

These dates have not been converted into calendar years but if they were, they would range from 2,200 to 1,200 years EARLIER (Simmons, page 7).

The Natufian period  is generally agreed to have lasted some 2,500 or more years.

Now, here's data that I think is important:
The treatment of the dead was not restricted solely to burials. At Wadi Hammeh 27, for example, site deposits contained several burnt skull fragments (Edwards 1991:146). At 'Ain Mallaha, various body elements, such as crania, were lying on the floors of separate structures (Perrot 1966a:445). At other sites, such as Hayonim Cave and Nahal Oren, the removal of the skull, with or without the mandible, became common (Valla 1998:176-177). (Simmons, page 76)
This special treatment of the skull of the deceased lasted well beyond the Natufian era into the Pre-Pottery Neolithic (PPNA and PPNB) eras (Simmons, page 152), which together lasted over 3,000 years.

So, the various skull rituals lasted at least 5,500 years, a span much. much longer than the Judeo-Christian tradition.

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