Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Michael Medved is very worried about the increase in minimum wage in 7 states.  Here are the "apocalyptic" facts:
The minimum wage is ticking higher in seven states, affecting about 647,000 workers, according to the National Employment Law Project, a New York-based advocacy group. The minimum wage is rising between nine and 12 cents in Arizona, Colorado, Montana, Ohio, Oregon, Vermont and Washington state.

The minimum wage is rising 10 cents to $7.35 in Arizona, 12 cents to $7.36 in Colorado, 10 cents to $7.35 in Montana, 10 cents to $7.40 in Ohio, 10 cents to $8.50 in Oregon, nine cents to $8.15 in Vermont, and 12 cents to $8.67 in Washington state.

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