Monday, December 13, 2010


Instead, he should be in jail with the other GOP crooks:
Blunt, Boehner Share Broad Network of Lobbyist Ties With DeLay
By Jonathan D. Salant and Laura Litvan - January 10, 2006 00:01 EST
Bloomberg News

Jan. 10 (Bloomberg) -- Representatives Roy Blunt of Missouri and John Boehner of Ohio have been among the key intermediaries between Republican lawmakers and lobbyists since their party took control of the U.S. Congress in 1995.

In 1995, Boehner handed out campaign checks from the tobacco industry to members on the House floor at a time when lawmakers were considering eliminating a tobacco subsidy.


Ken Hoop said...

Boehner was once the most rewarded Congressional member of the Israeli Lobby as well. He still ranks high.

Steve J. said...


Ken Hoop said...

Clown Cunningham is doing his best to turn into a non interventionist, anti-war guy but he keeps tripping himself up.Or maybe it's purposive when he says if we keep warring in Afghanistan, we should sell Hawaii to subsidize the venture.

Past Sun nite national show, he went the round robin of hypocrisy.

First he belittled Obama for continuing Bush's war policy but "tripling down" by increasing the troops. No problem-and the anti-war left is certainly susceptible to criticism for their absence in the streets on the subject. Then Willie the Clown said that there really was no such thing as winning a political or military victory in Afghanistan.
That the US had nothing to gain there. Right on, bro! Or Left on!

Sadly the Clear Channel Clown then brought his whole anti-war anti-Obama rant into disrepute by asserting the real problem was Obama prioritized an exit timetable from Afghanistan over a victory, demoralizing the US troops!

This is what passes for coherent criticism when a Big Media Fox/Clear Channel blatherer tries to go anti-war.

Ken Hoop said...

You can also podcast a local Cunningham interview with pro-war Jailbird Ollie North today at WLW's website, where Willie reinforces an ..uhhh...impression, he's all about getting Obama and oh, a sixteenth about getting the troops out of a no-win war. Party above patriotism, that's the ticket of the ignoble.

Steve J. said...

I've been expecting Hannity & Levin to attack Cunningham for being insufficiently pro-war.