Thursday, January 27, 2011


Just now he claimed the no one has ever mentioned Frederic Bastiat until he did today.  I little LexisNexis work shows that he's wrong again:
Inoculating Against True Health Care Reform
Creators Syndicate, January 19, 2011 Wednesday, INOCULATING AGAINST TRUE HEALTH CARE REFORM, 784 words, Steve Chapman

An Open Letter to My Congress People
The American Spectator, January 6, 2011 Thursday, The American Spectator Online, 1154 words, Ross Kaminsky

Leviathan rolls on
Adam Smith Institute blog, December 14, 2010 Tuesday 8:26 AM EST, 288 words, (Tom Clougherty)

Trashing Education
Investor's Business Daily, December 13, 2010 Monday, ISSUES & INSIGHTS; EDITORIALS; Pg. A16, 471 words

A Hollow Victory
The American Spectator, December 8, 2010 Wednesday, The American Spectator Online, 1143 words, Ross Kaminsky

Let flat-screen TVs heat the moochers; Saturday rude awakening
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, December 4, 2010 Saturday, OPINION; Pg. 15A, 647 words, Neal Boortz; For the AJC

It's getting lonely over here on the right
The Spectator, November 27, 2010, Pg. 23, 930 words, JAMES DELINGPOLE

Gov't Planners Leave Misery In Their Wake
Investor's Business Daily, November 24, 2010 Wednesday, ISSUES & INSIGHTS; ON THE RIGHT; Pg. A11, 823 words, MATT KIBBE

The GM ˜Turnaround in Bastiats View
Cato@Liberty, November 17, 2010 Wednesday 10:48 AM EST, 796 words

The Week
National Review, November 01, 2010 , 6613 words

Movement of the Moment Looks to Long-Ago Texts
The New York Times, October 2, 2010 Saturday, Section A; Column 0; National Desk; Pg. 9, 1401 words, By KATE ZERNIKE

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