Sunday, January 23, 2011


I don't know if the charges made by Common Cause against two reactionary Supreme Court justices, Scalia and Thomas, will lead to anything but this charge against Thomas and his wife seems to have a better chance. (h/t Raw Story)

Clarence Thomas failed to report wife's income, watchdog says
Virginia Thomas earned over $680,000 from conservative think tank the Heritage Foundation over 5 years, a group says. But the Supreme Court justice did not include it on financial disclosure forms.
By Kim Geiger, Washington Bureau
LA Times
January 22, 2011
Federal judges are bound by law to disclose the source of spousal income, according to Stephen Gillers, a professor at NYU School of Law. Thomas' omission — which could be interpreted as a violation of that law — could lead to some form of penalty, Gillers said.

"It wasn't a miscalculation; he simply omitted his wife's source of income for six years, which is a rather dramatic omission," Gillers said. "It could not have been an oversight."

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