Saturday, January 08, 2011


Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik said he has reason to believe there was another person involved and that they have pictures of that person.  19 people were shot, 6 victims have died so far, 5 at the scene.  Dupnik also said that unbalanced people can be adversely affected by "vitriolic rhetoric."

Dupnik also said the suspect was of interest to the police in the recent past.  Dupnik again mentioned that vitriolic speech from those who make a living out of it can have consequences.

Dr. Richard Carmona also spoke out about the vitriolic speech.

UPDATE: Here's the video clip of the news conference (h/t Michael Bryan at Blog for Arizona)


Ken Hoop said...

Not sure if Juan Cole will post this. If you have info re any Loughner anti-Hispanic attitude, please make me aware.

Ken Hoop says: Your comment is awaiting moderation.

01/09/2011 at 3:42 pm Juan should stick to criticism of Israel’s politics and US alliance with it–which 20% of the Tea Party agree with him about!

Cole can quote no anti-Hispanic sentiment from Laughner though he’s in the middle of the hotbed of the dispute.

If anything, Loughner’s writings in sum indicate he leans to an idiosyncratic ultra-personalized anarchism which has little chance of coexistence with small government authoritarian rightism.


Steve J. said...


So far I haven't found a anti-Hispanic connection aside from Loughner's ambiguous remarks about grammar.

I have canvassed for her in the past and my impression is that there just aren't many Hispanics in her district.