Sunday, January 30, 2011


When they criticize the government, they almost always make a point to exempt the military so you'll probably never hear these two stories from them.
F-35 joint strike fighter started with recipe for trouble
Posted on Sunday, January 30, 2011
McClatchy Newspapers

There are numerous reasons for the F-35 debacle, say longtime defense observers, and most of them were predictable: Pentagon officials and military officers cobble together unrealistic goals, timetables and budgets, and defense contractors sign on knowing that once a big program is launched, it's seldom canceled and the money keeps flowing.
WikiLeaks probe: Army commanders were told not to send Manning to Iraq
Posted on Thursday, January 27, 2011
McClatchy Newspapers

Investigators have concluded that Army commanders ignored advice not to send to Iraq an Army private who's now accused of downloading hundreds of thousands of sensitive reports and diplomatic cables that ended up on the WikiLeaks website in the largest single security breach in American history, McClatchy has learned.

Pfc. Bradley Manning's direct supervisor warned that Manning had thrown chairs at colleagues and shouted at higher ranking soldiers in the year he was stationed at Fort Drum, N.Y., and advised that Manning shouldn't be sent to Iraq, where his job would entail accessing classified documents through the Defense Department's computer system.

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