Wednesday, February 23, 2011


(h/t Wonkette)

The National Examiner reports that Sharia law friendly people are being appointed to important government posts by Pres. Obama and includes this paragraph:
 According to reports issued by NewsRealBlog, RedState, and LaborUnionReport, secret documents released by Wikileaks indicate that the United States government has been in the process of planning social and political upheaval in the Middle East for at least 2 years--beginning during the waning days of the Bush Administration and continuing under Obama.  The goal was to push moderate Muslim dictators out the door in countries such as Egypt, while advocating so-called 'democracy' which would then insure the rise of Muslim Brotherhood-supported Islamists to fill the power-gap.
That's what Glenda has been claiming for the last few weeks and I'm wondering if he ripped off these other groups. For example, if you follow the Red State link, you'll find this:
In other words, is a 21st Century private and public-sector partnership for regime change. This is an organization that has the biggest internet players, as well as the U.S. State Department involved and is openly working to support uprisings.

According to’s website, its list of private and public sponsors include Google, YouTube, Facebook, MTV, CBS News, MSNBC, as well as the Columbia Law School and the U.S. State Department.
I suspect Beck is the plagiarist because he didn't drag in MTV until Feb. 14th and the Red State post is dated Jan. 30th.

1 comment:

Ken Hoop said...

Shouldn't concern US, which should simply withdraw from the region.
Ignatius says MB rule is ok.