Tuesday, February 01, 2011


I think most people don't realize how long it took for (mostly) Western Europe to stabilize after the fall of the Roman Empire so here's a timeline from what I hope is a reliable source, beginning in 600 A.D. and ending when I get tired of copying & pasting.

The point that I'm trying to make is that it took centuries for the West to stabilize, so we shouldn't expect the Arab world to do it in a matter of a few decades.
600-616 Aethelfrith's Wars (England)
633-641 Oswald's Wars
670-674 First Frankish Civil War
685 Pict-Anglian War
687 Second Frankish Civil War
714-719 Third Frankish Civil War
733-750 Aethelbald's Wars
771-796 Offa’s Wars
771-814 Conquests of Charlemagne
793-1016 Viking Raids In Europe
894-956 Magyar Raids in the Holy Roman Empire
907-954 Magyar Raids in France ( Magyars) (Germany )
978-980 Franco-German War
1002 Ardoin's Revolt
1004-1014 Ardoin's War
1006-1007 Revolt of Baldwin of Flanders
1026-1030 Scandinavian War
1054 Battle of Dunsinane
1065-1072 Castilian Civil War
1066 Norman Conquest of England
1072 William I's Invasion of Scotland
1076 William I's Invasion of Normandy
1077-1082 Norman-French War (Philip I )
1077-1106 German Civil War
1079-1080 Anglo-Scottish War
1079 Viking Conquest of Man
1081-1085 First Norman-Byzantine War
1081-1084 Holy Roman Empire-Papacy War
1089-1096 William II's War with Robert Curthose
1091-1093 William II's invasion of Scotland
1098-1108 Second Norman-Byzantine War
1109-1113 Anglo-French War
1109-1112 Aragonese-Castilian War
1116-1119 Anglo-French War
1123-1135 Anglo-French War
1137-1157 Danish Civil War
1138-1155 English Dynastic War
1138 Battle of the Standard
1140 Portugese-Castilian War
1157 Henry II's Campaigns in Wales
1159-1189 Anglo-French War
1160-1168 Danish War against the Wends
1165 Henry II's Campaigns in Wales
1167-1183 Wars of the Lombard League
1173-1174 Anglo-Norman Rebellion
1185-1189 Asens' Uprising
1197-1214 German Civil War


Ken Hoop said...

The more important point is, the US has done noting but De-stabilize the Mideast the past couple of decades.

Steve J. said...

I'd say since the beginning of the Cold War