Thursday, February 17, 2011


I have joked in the past about cloning Stalin and letting loose on Wall Street for a few days but it may not be that much of a joke according to this piece on Wall Street, the SEC and the Justice Dept. by Matt Taibbi.

This paragraph provides a nice summary of the clubby and incestuous relationships:
Pause for a minute to take this in. Aguirre, an SEC foot soldier, is trying to interview a major Wall Street executive — not handcuff the guy or impound his yacht, mind you, just talk to him. In the course of doing so, he finds out that his target's firm is being represented not only by Eliot Spitzer's former top aide, but by the former U.S. attorney overseeing Wall Street, who is going four levels over his head to speak directly to the chief of the SEC's enforcement division — not Aguirre's boss, but his boss's boss's boss's boss. Mack himself, meanwhile, was being represented by Gary Lynch, a former SEC director of enforcement.

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